Being a Librarian I felt compelled to identify, index & catalogue the ornaments, borders, corners & blocks in the type cases of the Red Eel Press. You can explore the index in more detail over at, which I will be expanding & adding to on a regular basis.

I used my growing collection of specimen books & a couple which are available online to help with the task:
Caslon Letter Foundry, The (1953) Specimens of printing types from Stephenson Blake: the Caslon Letter Foundry Sheffield, Sheffield, The Caslon Letter Foundry
Lanston Monotype Machine Company (1917) Monotype borders & ornaments, [Philadelphia], Lanston Monotype Machine Company
Lanston Monotype Machine Company (1922) The Monotype specimen book of type faces, Philadelphia, Lanston Monotype Machine Company
Monotype Corporation Limited, The (1948) Specimens of the typefaces, borders, ornaments, rules & other material cast on 'Monotype' type composing & casting machines, London, The Monotype Corporation Limited
Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd (1932) Printing types: borders, initials, electros, brass rules, spacing material, Sheffield, Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd